Dual Immersion Academy » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Are traditional characters taught starting Kindergarten? At what grade do you begin teaching simplified characters and pinyin?

Yes, we teach traditional characters from Kindergarten to 5th grade, then we will start introducing simplified characters when students attend middle school.


What is the age a child can enroll in kindergarten?

A child needs to be 5 years old to be enrolled in Kindergarten. If not, then the child will be enrolled in the TK.


What grade levels are included in the Mandarin Program?

Bella Vista currently has a Mandarin class in grades Kinder through 4. We will grow to 5th grade in the 2023-2024 school year.



Do I need to fill out an intra-district open enrollment form if I live within the MUSD district but Bella Vista is not my home school?

Yes, the enrollment packet will be ready soon and we will send out to each family who are interested in enrolling their child in our Mandarin Immersion program.


What is the teacher and student ratio? Is there an additional aide or assistant?

The teacher and student ratio will be 1:18 in Kindergarten, 1:20 in First Grade through 3rd Grade, 1:25 in 4th and 5th grade. These numbers are subject to change based on program need. Currently we do not have any additional classroom aides, however, we do have a Mandarin Teacher on Special Assignment that provides ongoing support to our Mandarin classes.


What is the typical day schedule? All day mandarin? Where does English class come in?

During a typical school day, the class starts at 8:00 AM. Students will start learning subjects such as Mandarin Language Art, Mandarin Writing, Social Studies,and Math in Mandarin until 10:55. At 10:55 A.M, they will switch to the English class and learn subjects like English, Writing, and Science until 2:15 pm.



My child is in TK at Bella Vista and interested in joining the Mandarin Program as a Kindergartener? Do I need to do anything else if my child is already at BVE?

If you have a child in TK and would like to enroll your child in the Mandarin Immersion program, please sign up for the Interest form which is posted on our website under the tab of Mandarin Immersion Program.